Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Some dreams shouldn't come true...

I was waking up from my sleep as it got too cold..the winter was bad and I needed another layer of clothes on my already stacked upp 3 layers...After all how long can wood burn...Last batch burned for almost 5 hours...and now it was getting colder...Well with no electricity..That's all you can hope for...So I woke up at 5 A.M. giving up hopes on a better day. I had to get ready and go search for food or probably trade my skills..Not that I have many!! Getting ready would take another hour as water had to be heated up...and then go about starting fire..well the old way...rubbing barks...Yesterday was a good day...I got to trade my rice for some beans and veggies...A luxury...Today hoping to find some kind of food probably roots...and some random nest or even lucky a beehive..Well watching so "Cast-Away " kinda movies are helping in a way...It's time to innovate again...Find food...Feed and sleep...That's all you can do with everything going in retrograde...Life has changed once again...A full circle of sorts...Who are to blame ....US!!!OURSELVES!!!
May be we should have thought about burning that fuel...Wasting that food...water...

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